On 29 January, 2020 European Parliament voted on the UK’s withdrawal agreement. Let’s see what will happen with regard to the European Union trademarks.
A long period is still necessary for the definitive separation of the UK.
In fact, in accordance with the agreement negotiated by Boris Johnson and the European Union, starting from 1 February 2020, the day in which UK will be no longer part of the European Union, a period of transition will start, which will last until 31 December 2020 (if further extension will not occur): during this period UK Government and European Commission will negotiate their future relationships, above all on trade and security.
In the light of the foregoing on 27 January 2020 EUIPO (European Union Intellectual Property Office) published in its website an article in which it is highlighted how, during the transition period, nothing will change. More specifically:
“EU law remains applicable to and in the UK. This extends to the EUTM and RCD Regulation and their implementing instruments”.
This means that during the transition period all substantive and procedural provisions as well as the rules concerning representation in proceedings before EUIPO will remain in force.
We will update you in future, when there will be further developments in this matter.
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