The Project
The web site that you are browsing,, is a communication project created by the will of Ms Eva Troiani, Attorney At Law, who can assist you in the registration and protection of trademarks. She also want to offer accurate and relevant information on trademarks to the people who wants to know or deepen issues related to the world of trademarks.
In addition to the section relating to the services of the firm, there is a section containing many information relating to the brands (how to create a trademark; why it is important to own a trademark; how to avoid disputes about a brand, and much more).
You will find a section dedicated to the mistakes to avoid in trademark’s matter.
The blog section of deepening on the brands is very rich, constantly updated, in which you can find many pieces referred to articles of law or to judgements issue by Italian and EU Courts.
The topics range from trademark in bad faith to the counterfeiting, unfair competition and much more else.
We hope that this project achieves your consent and we invite you to deepen the navigation of the site and to give us your feedback in order to constantly improve the project. Thank you!
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