The registration of a trademark in Italy includes the steps of trademark filing and registration with effect only in the Italian territory. It starts with the filing of the trademark application to the Italian Patent and Trademark Office.
In this post we talk about:
Which documents you have to send us for the registration of the italian trademark
Once determined the ownership of a trademark, namely who is the proprietor of the trademark, and its products and/or services, we will send you the power of attorney and a document through which you entrust our firm to proceed. Both the documents shall to be signed by the proprietor of the trademark and then sent us back to us by e-mail. Obviously we will also need the logo to be filed, in JPG format.
Suggestions to follow before the registration of the trademark
Before proceeding with the registration of a trademark it is advisable to be sure that the trademark that you wish to register does not already exist. We suggest you to entrust a professional in IP sector for conducting a similarity trademark search (which includes also an identity search): through the consultation of specific trademark registries.
We also suggest to carefully select the Nice classes of your trademark because the classes will define and limit your trademark’s field of protection. In a way of principle and with the exceptions provided by the law, the trademark will not be protected for all existing products and services, but only for those claimed in the trademark application. As a result, it is very important to identify from the beginning how your trademark will be used, since after the filing of the application it will not be possible to extend its protection (b y adding products and/or services) unless you file a new trademark application.
Costs of the registration of a trademark in italy
Eva Troiani’s law firm prefers not to indicate here the costs for a trademark registration in Italy because they depend on important variables (whether to perform a similarity trademark search or if there are many classes). We will provide you with the costs after having well understood your need, in order to make a proposal with the best price. Therefore, you can get in touch with us at any time and you can request an estimate of costs, which will be sent you free of charge in your e-mail box within 48 hours from your request.
Validity of an italian trademark
A trademark registered in the Italian territory is valid for ten years from the application filing date and it is renewable indefinitely for the same periods of time. In order to avoid trademark’s revocation it must be subject of effective use by the holder of with its consent, for the products or services for which it is registered, within five years from the registration date, and such use must not be suspended for an uninterrupted period of five years, unless non-use is justified by a legitimate reason.
Recommendations after trademark’s registration
A trademark must be protected, especially if expression of an important business (if it distinguishes product, service or the company). We therefore suggest you to entrust a professional in IP your trademark’s surveillance, thanks to which you will be promptly informed if someone will register a trademark identical with or similar to yours; as a result, you will be able to implement trademark defense actions.
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