Filing a Trademark Application
After the check of the mark, Eva Troiani’s law firm will be able to handle the preparation and filing of the trademark application to the competent authorities.
In this post we talk about:
Preparation of the documents for the filing
Our staff, upon payment of the fees, will prepare the documents for the filing of the chosen trademark; these documents will be sent in pdf format to the client’s e-mail address and the client will have to verify the documents, correctly sign the same and send it back to our firm by email and then by post in original to the following address:
Avv. Eva Troiani
Via Pasquale Revoltella 35
00152 Rome (Italy)
Once the trademark has been filed to the competent Authorities, we will send you the documents attesting the filing of the trademark application.
Filing of the trademanrk: ™ symbol
From the application date and until you have not received the confirmation of the registration (several months can be necessary), it will be possible to use the ™ symbol on the mark.
The ™ symbol indicated that a trademark application has been filed to the competent authorities, but it is not yet registered. In Italy, as well as in many other States, the use of TM is not mandatory.
After registration, you can use the symbol ® identifying “registered trademark”.
Filing of the trademark worldwide
We remind you that Eva Troiani law firm can help you all over the world thanks to an extensive network of foreigner lawyers and trademark attorneys. The firm can meet any needs of yours in all Continents.
Remember that in each State it is necessary to work in compliance with local rules and practice. For example, in many Muslim States it is not allowed to sell alcoholic products and it is not allowed to register trademark distinguishing such products…. We can say Every Country has…its own marks!!
Telephone No. +390658233422
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