Did you have an idea? Do not let it steal!!

Wha a trademark is

A trademark is any sign made up of words (including personal names), numbers, letters and/or graphic elements, colors, sounds, shapes, unique and distinctive compared to other competitive brands for the same products and services. It must also comply with the requirements of protection, which are: distinctive capacity, truth, novelty, lawfulness.

Why to register a trademark

Registering a trademark is essential, because, with globalization and the wide spread of the internet, the traditional commercial and geographical coordinates are often overcome and a trademark can easily be subject to abuse and counterfeiting. In the digital age, in an increasingly virtual and immaterial market, the need to have a legal protection of its own brand is strongly emerging.

Who is entitled to register a trademark

In Italy everybody can register a trademark: natural persons (even non-VAT), individual firms, companies, associations and foundations, consortia, administrations of the State, regions and municipalities. Moreover, if the mark is not used, it is possible to assign it or to grant a license.

All types of trademarks

Verification of trademark

  • Verification of requirements of trademark
  • Identity trademark search
  • Similarity trademark search
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Trademark protection

  • Trademark registration
  • Defense against complaints
  • Trademark surveillance
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Would you like more information? Do not hesitate to contact us.

Once contacted, we will consider your request and you will be contacted as soon as possible.

Why choose us?


Many years of experience in this area

Satisfied Customers

Over the years we have gained the trust of customers.

Brand's Register

Hundreds of trademarks in our career


In record time you will have your logo deposited.

All inclusive

Concluded the contract there will be no additional costs


Always there for you, either by email or telephone


Thoroughly verify the availability of the brands

Eva Troiani law firm: professional advice and assistance on trademark’s world

Eva Troiani law firm has been dealing with all trademark registrations issues for many years: she can check distinctiveness and novelty of your trademark with a detailed search in the relevant registries; she can identify right Nice classes for your business; she files trademark applications to the competent authorities; she can defend your rights in the event of a trademark dispute.

Merchandise classes

From class 1 to 34 are all types of products recognized by the Italian State

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Class 35 to 45 are all the types of services that a company or an individual can exercise.

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Duration ofmarks

The duration of a trademark varies from State to State, but in most cases it is 10 years from the date of filing or registration of the trademark. Before the expiration date, you can decide whether to renew the trademark for an equal period of time or whether to let it expire.


The costs of trade mark protection-logo are mainly concentrated in the initial phase.


We can produce estimates for the filing of a trademark application in the world.

Legal opinions

We support also in the context of contracts for the sale and licensing of brands, with Italian and foreign companies.

Did you have an idea? Do not let it steal! Call us now to register a trademark - Tel.+39.338.29.38.021

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